Marathon enthusiast wears TexRay AiQ Windshield LED Jacket
These Years, running has become a worldwide trend, from jogging to marathon race, more and more people are practicing in this type of sport. It has become a hot topic between friends to participate in running associations or to do individual road training.
(LED Windshield Jacket developed by TexRay and AiQ which provides runners to run with comfort.)
It’s not only important to warm up the body before doing exercise, but also important to be aware of safety when doing exercise on road, especially at night. Most runners, due to daily routine, they practice either in the early morning or at night. AiQ Smart Clothing Inc., subsidiary of TexRay Industrial Co., LTD., has developed a series of LED Windshield Jacket, it not only provides safety alert, but it is also comfortable and light weighted.
This year, thanks to the Boston Marathon, one of the six World Marathon Majors¸ TexRay and AiQ got the opportunity to sponsor Taiwan R.O.C. Association of Ultrarunners 50 pieces of LED Windshield Jacket for the runners to run safer and more comfortable on road.
(Taiwan R.O.C. Association of Ultrarunners training with the LED Windshield Jacket in Boston.)